Central Finland Tiainen Family Association
(Translated by Päivi Riikonen and Ulla Tiainen)
Why the family association?
We Finns are a family-loving nation. There are about 400 family
societies and associations in Finland, keeping in touch among their family, and
more than 70 genealogical associations which gather genealogists to their
hobby. Indeed, there is often a link between genealogy and family associations:
family associations aim to research the phases of the family.
Information about the lives or our ancestors and ancestresses is
fascinating. It gives us roots, joins us to be part of a big story and brings
some answers to the question, which remains throughout life: How did I become
me? We can read vivid descriptions about Esko Tiainen, a great man in the 17th century, his dwelling
cottages and the main house, Tiala, in Samuli Paulaharju's book Suomenselän
wieriltä (1930). Reading these descriptions is heart-stirring even though our
familial connection with Esko is strictly speaking yet to establish.
The aims of our association
Genealogy research is also the starting point in the activities of the
Central Finland Tiainens Family Association. Our association surveys the
history of the family, collects data on the family and brings results of
research to the knowledge of the members. Olavi Erkinpoika (Pölkki or Tiainen),
tenant farmer, who was born in 1719 in Perho, Veteli, and died in 1793 in
Salamajärvi, Kivijärvi, was chosen as the earliest ancestor. We are studying
the family history and phases of Olavi and his first wife Anna and second wife
Maria in both descending and rising line, in accordance with the rules of the
Become a member
You can become a member by paying the yearly membership fee. Please
contact the secretary or any other member in the board.
As a member you'll get information about your own branch of the family. If
you’d like to have information about other branches, please contact any board member.
Please spread the news about our family association to your relatives
and ask them to join, too. Let’s make our association a lively and active one!
Family meetings
We have arranged family meetings in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013. The 4th meeting was held on July 6, 2013 in the old vicarage in Pihtipudas.
The next family meeting will be arranged in the summer 2015.
The association publishes a Newsletter, sent to the members once a year
by post as a membership benefit. The Newsletter tells about the results of
genealogical research by members. It also contains stories about past and
present life, written by Tiainens. Some stories are reproduced below.
You’re welcome to participate in preparing the Newsletter! Please get in
touch with any member of the board if you’d like to write a story to the
Newsletter or send other material.
Facebook group
The Central Finland
Tiainen Family Association is in Facebook. You’re welcome to join the
Tiainen stories
Tiainen research as a hobby (Anja Lehtinen)
Tiainen blood under consideration (Veikko Tiainen)
Tiainen research as a hobby (Anja Lehtinen)
Tiainen blood under consideration (Veikko Tiainen)
Migration of Tiainen family to Pihtipudas in the 1790s (Irja Tiainen)
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